A framework for collaboration between European countries to improve the scientific exploitation of GAIA observations

The MW-GAIA network is a four-year COST Action (Spring 2019 - Spring 2023), which aims to provide a framework for collaboration between European countries in order to improve the scientific exploitation of observations carried out by the European Space Agency's GAIA satellite. The IEEC researchers play a leading role, occupying positions as important as the vice-presidency of the network.
The network brings together the 29 countries that are part of the European COST cooperation, as well as some neighbouring countries and international partners, in order to take advantage of the experience and develop new techniques to maximise the scientific output of the rich and complex GAIA data. This collaboration will contribute to maintaining European leadership in the study and understanding of our galaxy, its stars and planets, while establishing the next firm steps towards the development of future space missions in astrometry.
The legacy of MW-GAIA will be a dynamic network of researchers with significant expertise in the study of the Milky Way, its components, and the art of astrometry. Participation is inclusive, with scientists accessing the network from all over Europe, regardless of gender or location. COST enables the core activities of the network, supporting and enabling exchanges, training and meetings between the different working groups.