Technologies portfolio
Control software: critical and real-time embedded software
Development of a customisable software framework for payload computers

A customisable on-board critical software framework for payload computers has been developed. It is based on RTOS (Real Time Operating Systems), running on low hardware resources.
This technology has been applied in different space missions: LISA Pathfinder (mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), in operation from 2017 to 2018), LISA (ESA’s mission, scheduled launch date in 2033), MENUT (nanosatellite of the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia). It is based on the ESA ECSS-E40/E80 Standards for development, and supports the CCSDS/PUS and CSP communication protocols, and different buses like MIL-STD-1553, CAN.
This control software is a key component of the Catalan Cubesat Platform developed at the IEEC, and it is being explored for potential transfer to other space missions or other industrial sectors. Examples of these sectors are: payload computer software and software verification infrastructures, critical software, Internet of Things (IoT) software solutions, smart cities, and software quality for autonomous driving.