Ofertes de feina

Convocatòria per cobrir la posició de Director/a de l'Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC)

Data de publicació
Data fi de termini

The IEEC is a research centre dedicated to promoting space-related activities in Catalonia, with a focus on research, innovation, and training. The institute collaborates in the planning, execution, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge in space science and technology.

Founded in 1996 as a non-profit foundation within the Catalan public sector, the IEEC is governed by a Board of Trustees comprising representatives from the Generalitat de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). The IEEC Foundation is affiliated with the Generalitat of Catalonia and forms part of its institutional public sector as a majority stakeholder, in accordance with Government Agreement GOV/98/2020 of 28 July. The IEEC is also a CERCA research centre.

The research structure is in the form of four units, each belonging to one of the Trustee academic institutions, constituting the core of the R&D activity. The Research Units are:

  • Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona - ICCUB
  • Centre for Space Studies and Research - CERES (UAB)
  • Research Group in Space Sciences and Technologies - CTE (UPC)
  • Institute of Space Sciences - ICE-CSIC

Scientists and technicians from the Research Units can simultaneously act as members of their institutions and as members of the IEEC. All senior scientific personnel at the IEEC are affiliated staff members from one of the Research Units.

The IEEC focuses its research efforts on the study of the Cosmos and the Earth as a planet, through a powerful programme for research, development and technological innovation in the framework of scientific missions and projects. The Institute participates and has high-level responsibilities in multiple space missions and ground-based instrumentation facilities. The institute focuses on three primary research areas:

  • Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Earth Observation and Navigation
  • Space Technology

In terms of internal organisation, the Board of Trustees is the highest governing body and appoints a Director, who is assisted by a Research Board. The organisation of each Research Unit is independent and the four directors are members of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, an external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is nominated by the Board of Trustees with the mandate to evaluate the quality of the scientific and technical outputs and advise on the strategic planning of the IEEC, as well as on the overall organisation. The IEEC manages the Montsec Observatory (OdM), which hosts several astronomical and satellite communication facilities. The research and management structure of the IEEC is organised through 4 general areas and 13 offices with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The Research area is composed of three departments, one for each to the three primary research areas.

In addition, the IEEC has taken up a leadership role in the implementation of the New Space Strategy of the Catalan Government. Therefore, a managerial and advisory structure is implemented to optimally fulfil the associated responsibilities. In particular, the Advisory Board for the promotion of the space sector provides monitoring and guidance and constitutes an interface with the industrial ecosystem in Catalonia.



The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC - Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) is seeking applications for the position of Director.

Descripció de la feina

  • Position: 1. Call for applications to the position of Director of Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC)
  • Professional group: Group I. Management, administration and services staff
  • Professional category: Director of Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC)
  • Working hours:  37,5 hours/week
  • Working location: IEEC headquarters- Esteve Terradas 1, Edifici RDIT, Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (PMT), 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona).


Role and Responsibilities

The Director will have the following general duties and responsibilities:


  • Manage, organise, execute and monitor the activities of the IEEC.
  • Define and implement the institute’s Strategic Plan in line with advisory recommendations.
  • Develop the annual activity program for approval by the Board of Trustees.
  • Direct, organize, manage, and execute actions aimed at obtaining the necessary resources and sources of income to achieve the objectives.
  • Lead research, development, knowledge and technology transfer, innovation, and training activities, as well as the internal organization.
  • Supervise the selection procedures for attracting talent and recruiting the scientific and technical personnel, or for accepting the affiliation of scientific and technical personnel from other institutions.
  • Formalize the affiliation of scientific and technical personnel.
  • Promote the professional development within the Institute.
  • Execute Board of Trustees’ directives and oversee compliance.
  • Represent the IEEC in academic, industrial, and public forums.
  • Maintain regular communication with CERCA regarding institutional progress.
  • Organise regular meetings of the SAB and implement the recommendations upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Trustees.

Requisits de participació i criteri de selecció

Candidate profile

The ideal candidate will have:


  • A PhD in Physics or Engineering.
  • A distinguished record and international reputation of scientific excellence in space research.
  • Proven leadership and team management experience.
  • A strong track record in research management and innovation.
  • Expertise in strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • The ability to represent the institute in all types of academic, industrial and social environments.
  • Experience managing international research projects.
  • Outstanding communication skills.


In addition, the following aspects are not requirements but will be favourably considered:


  • Knowledge of the European and Spanish scientific landscapes.
  • Proficiency in Catalan, Spanish and English languages.

Contacte i termini

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit the following documents via e-mail to the Director of CERCA at candidatures@cerca.cat.

  • Cover letter
  • Full curriculum vitae
  • Vision statement


The IEEC is committed to equal opportunity employment. All qualified applicants will be considered without discrimination based on beliefs, orientation, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or any other condition.

For further inquiries, please contact the IEEC at ieec@ieec.cat. We look forward to your application.

La recepció de candidatures finalitzarà el dia

Les sol·licituds que no compleixin els requisits, que no estiguin incloses dins els supòsits previstos o que no es tramitin d’acord amb el procediment establert no es tindran en compte.

Procediment de selecció

Selection Process & Timeline

The selection will be conducted by the Board of Trustees. The list of candidates will be reviewed and ranked by the IEEC’s scientific advisory board (SAB). The composition of the SAB can be found in https://www.ieec.cat/en/ieec/transparency/.

The Board of Trustees may create an ad hoc commission involving some of its members to conduct interviews of the ranked candidates. The results of these interviews will be presented as a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board will proceed to designate the new Director, based on this recommendation.

The initial appointment is for 4 years, with the possibility of renewal upon Board approval.

The tentative schedule is:


  • March 13th – Call for applications opens
  • April 30th – Application deadline
  • May 15th – SAB ranks candidates
  • May 30thAd hoc Commission selects finalists
  • June 15th – Board of Trustees appoints the new Director