The IEEC produces a documentary about the Dark Energy Survey (DES) [NOT TRANSLATED]
The Dark Energy Survey aims to find out the causes of the accelerating expansion of the universe, and it counts on the DECam, a camera that will measure the light from more than 300 million galaxies at distances of nine billion light years, installed at the Observatorio Astronómico Interamericano Cerro Tolo, la Serena (Chile). The observations, which began in September 2013 and will extend for five years, are getting a mapping of the southern sky with unprecedented detail.
The documentary explains the details of the Dark Energy Survey and has been published on YouTube (in English with subtitles in Castilian) to reach as audience as possible. The video reviews the knowledge we have so far on dark energy and the work that scientists are conducting on DES and that will allow to learn more about it.
Under the title ‘Why is the Universe speeding up?’ has been directed by Alex Muntada, who co-wrote the script with Enrique Gaztañaga, researcher at the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC ) and one of the Spanish experts participating in the DES project. The recording was made mostly in the Observatorio Astronómico Interamericano Cerro Tololo, in La Serena (Chile), and also in Barcelona and New York, where several of the scientists involved were interviuwed, including members of the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC CSIC) and the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE). [NOT TRANSLATED]