Sergei Odintsov, from the ICE (IEEC-CSIC), repeats in the list of the most cited researchers in the world according to the agency Thomson Reuters [NOT TRANSLATED]
Sergei Odintsov
Highly Cited Researchers Report from Thomson Reuters is an annual list that recognizes the top researchers in science and social sciences worldwide. The list has been prepared taking into account the total number of citations received by the articles indexed in Web of Sicence Core Collection in the period 2003 to 2013. Included in the list those researchers with the highest number of items between 1% most cited in their field of research and publication year.
Sergei Odintsov is ICREA astrophysicist at the ICE (IEEC-CSIC) since 2003. His research focuses on cosmology, astrophysics, experimental gravity sciences and mathematics. He has authored or co-authored more than 500 research papers in journals (with more than 28,000 citations). His main purpose is to formulate the consistent alternative to Einstein gravity in order to resolve the fundamental puzzle of modern cosmology: why and how the universe accelerates?
He is a foreign member of the Royal Academy Norway and the European Physical Society among others. On 2011 he was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of ten most influential Russian scientists in the world and last year he was awarded the Medal Amaldi: European Prize in gravitational physics [NOT TRANSLATED]