Gravitational waves will closes the cycle of conferences of the 20th anniversary of the IEEC at Cosmocaixa [NOT TRANSLATED]

2016-11-24 00:00:00
Gravitational waves will closes the cycle of conferences of the 20th anniversary of the IEEC at Cosmocaixa
Next Tuesday, November 29, the researcher Carlos F. Sopuerta, head of the Gravitational Astronomy-LISA group of the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC) will give the conference “The discovery of gravitational waves and the beginning of a new astronomy”.. The talk is part of the cycle Discovering the Universe organized by the IEEC and the Obra Social La Caixa to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the IEEC.


LIGO (Gravitational Wave Observatory Laser Interferometry) has just inaugurated the era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy observing the first binary black hole system. At the same time, on the one hand, the space mission LISA Pathfinder ESA has demonstrated technology for future space gravitational wave detector, the L3 mission of ESA, and on the other hand, radio telescopes to monitor pulsars are very close to detect gravitational waves at very low frequencies. All those events make gravitational waves are very important to better understand the universe, especially the most “dark” phenomena as those involving black holes ingredient. This talk will discuss how these waves will be detected and what discoveries we expect in the coming years. [NOT TRANSLATED]

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