Quantum Simulations [NOT TRANSLATED]

Quantum Simulations [NOT TRANSLATED]

Quantum Simulations [NOT TRANSLATED] Many-body quantum systems are very hard to describe and simulate in general, since the dimension of the state space grows exponentially with the number of particles, volume, etc. This problem arise in many branches of science,...

Brilliant Blunders [NOT TRANSLATED]

Brilliant Blunders [NOT TRANSLATED] Even the greatest scientists have made some serious blunders, "Brilliant Blunders" concerns the evolution of life on Earth, of the Earth itself, of stars, and of the universe as a whole. In this talk, I shall...

Quantifying Dark Energy using Cosmic Lensing [NOT TRANSLATED]

Quantifying Dark Energy using Cosmic Lensing [NOT TRANSLATED] I will describe the great potential and possible limitations of using the bending of light by gravity (gravitational lensing) to constrain the mysterious dark energy which seems to dominate the contents of...