Unraveling the history of the Magellanic Clouds with SMASH

The interactions between the Magellanic Clouds are known to have been a dominant factor in shaping their current state. Specially the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), with its lower mass and gravitational potential, shows the aftermath of these interactions more prominently. Including stripped stellar structures at the outskirts of the galaxy and increased star formation rates in places with gas reservoirs. By means of resolved stellar populations studies, the Clouds offer an extraordinary opportunity to study the processes of galaxy formation and evolution. We use the Survey of the Magellanic Stellar History (SMASH), which uses DECam, with its unique depth and coverage of the Clouds, to find tracers of these interactions at the outskirts of the SMC and discover its global star formation history. We confirm the view hinted with other surveys that the amount of substructure at radii larger than 8 degrees from the SMC is significant and can provide hints of the system's evolution. In particular, we detect a feature in 2 fields at ~9.6 and 11.9 degrees that was previously hinted at as well using kinematic selection of Magellanic members using Gaia DR2 data. Additionally, we present the most comprehensive study of the SMC's star formation history to date and tie it to the formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This comparison shows striking similarities that are very constraining for models of their evolution.