Two interacting galaxies, picture of January of the Observatori Asrtronòmic del Montsec
2017-01-30 00:00:00
Each month the Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec (OAdM) of IEEC publishes an outstanding image from the observations made there. In January, the protagonists are the galaxies NGC4490 and NGC4485.
At a distance environ of 40 or 50 million light years in the direction of the constellation Canes Venatici we find this pair of interacting galaxies, NGC4490 (the largest) and NGC4485. These two large clouds of uneven-looking stars have passed by their closest approach and are already moving away one from each other. Between the two galaxies, populated by a great amount of regions of stellar formation, it extends even a trace of stars distributed between the 24,000 light years that separate them.
The image was made by the Joan OrĂł Telescope using several broadband filters and a total of 1-hour exposure.