The 7th CASSINI Hackathon will showcase space applications for environmental care and ecological transition

Aug 9, 2024

How to use EU space technology for environmental protection and the energy transition? The 7th CASSINI Hackathon, which will be held from 13 to 15 September 2024 in Barcelona (Baix Llobregat Campus, Castelldefels) will be an opportunity to devise technological solutions in this regard. Participants will use data generated by Earth Observation and satellite navigation technologies (GNSS) to address global challenges related to emissions monitoring, air quality measurement and sea level tracking, among many others.

With the theme ‘Environment & Green Transition’, the Hackathon will be held online and in-person at 10 locations in Europe. This is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs, students, engineers, designers and business specialists to collaborate on a space project, with no need of experience in the sector.

The Catalan edition will be hosted by four co-organisers: Fundació Privada Knowledge Innovation Market (KIMbcn), the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) and the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC). We will also have the collaboration of the Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (PMT) and the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC), where the event will take place, as well as the INCIBE Chair in Digitalisation and Water Cybersecurity, of the University of Girona, which supports the celebration of the hackathon.

Hackathon competitors will  develop their own innovative solutions in the framework of one of three challenges:

          Emissions and carbon footprint reporting.

          Sustainable living.

          Climate change mitigation.

The best proposals will be eligible for several prizes (1st prize, €1000; 2nd prize, €500; 3rd prize, special mention). Moreover, the winning team of this edition will go to the European final, with prizes of €5000, €3000 and €1000 for the three best teams, which will also have access to CASSINI Mentoring, a 6-month mentoring programme designed to turn their projects into successful businesses.

Registration for the 6th CASSINI Hackathon is open!

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