Resolution of the call for companies to participate in the ‘NewSpace Catalonia’ booth at the IAC22

The IAC22 will be held at the Paris Convention Center, from 18 to 22 September 2022.
The selected companies are: Compoxi SL, Fregata Space, Gutmar S.A., isardSAT, Lobelia Earth, Kreios Space, Pangea Aerospace, Sateliot, Satellogic, SpaceSUR and Telstar. All of them are members of the DCA NewSpace community.
The 'NewSpace Catalonia' booth is an initiative framed within the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia, promoted by the Ministry of the Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory, in collaboration with the IEEC, the i2CAT Foundation, the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC), and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. This collaboration seeks to project the industrial, innovation and talent generation capabilities of the Catalan ecosystem to the world.
The companies and entities that stay at the booth will benefit from the different dissemination and internationalisation activities that will be carried out, as well as accompaniment and support from the members promoting the strategy.
The IAC is one of the most important space congresses in the world. Every year, all the industry players come together to present the latest news and innovations in space and to establish contacts and potential partnerships. Within the slogan ‘Space for @ll’, IAC22 aims to bring together all space communities with the ecosystem of companies and startups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, scientific researchers and manufacturers that could participate in or benefit from activities.