Research areas
The IEEC participates and has high-level responsibilities on multiple space missions, ground instrumentation facilities and technological research projects. Find out more about the three main research lines carried out at our Institute.
Astrophysics and Cosmology
The IEEC conducts cutting-edge research in Astrophysics and Cosmology

We carry out top-level research in Astrophysics and Cosmology through the use and development of advanced technologies such as instrumentation for ground-based telescopes and space missions, as well as tools for analyzing large volumes of data.
We also establish multidisciplinary connections with various areas including particle physics, geology, biology, and mathematics.
The main areas are:
The determination of the large-scale structure of the Universe.
The detection and measurement of gravitational waves.
The analysis of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena.
The understanding of how stars and resulting compact objects form, evolve, and die.
The study of the physics of the Sun and its relationship with the Earth.
The characterization of the formation, evolution, and architecture of our galaxy and other galaxies.
The search for new exoplanets with potentially habitable conditions.
The exploration of Mars.
the interpretation of the role played by the interplanetary environment; and the tracking and study of the asteroids, comets, and meteorites that surround us.
Earth Observation and Navigation
The IEEC develops new concepts in remote sensing and satellite navigation

We work on new approaches on remote sensing for Earth Observation and in the optimisation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
The main areas of activity are:
Earth Observation instrumentation.
Measurement of Earth’s surface and atmosphere and monitoring of natural hazards through reflectometry, radio-occultations with sources of opportunity, and GNSS data.
Combination of GNSS and wireless communications (including 5G) for smart cities and smart vehicles.
Advanced radiometric and hyperspectral data acquisition and processing technologies.
The synergy and fusion with other Earth Observation products and technologies, through the optimal exploitation of aerospace infrastructures.

Space Technology
The IEEC is a leading centre in the construction of space instrumentation

We develop space instrumentation in different areas of scientific and technological research of national and international programmes.
The Institute leads technological development projects for ground- and space-based instrumentation in technologies for telecommunications sensors and subsystems; electronic systems and control and processing software; platforms for nanosatellites, robotics and artificial intelligence; or Big Data tools for data management, analysis, and exploitation, among others. In addition, the IEEC participates in the European and international networks that define the roadmaps established by agencies and organizations for future missions.