Research | Infrastructures
The IEEC has a series of scientific and technical infrastructures that aim to support research and innovation in the field of space and Earth Observation. These infrastructures are fundamental tools for the production of cutting-edge science, the promotion of technological developments, the fostering of innovation, and the training of scientists and technologists.
Montsec Observatory

The Montsec Observatory (OdM) is a scientific infrastructure managed by the IEEC, under an agreement with the Directorate General for Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
It is the most important astronomy research centre in Catalonia and one of the most advanced in Europe. It is located at an altitude of 1570 m, in the Montsec mountain range, in the municipality of Sant Esteve de la Sarga, in the Catalan pre-Pyrenees. This area has been recognised as one of the most suitable on the European continent for astronomical observation.
The mission of the OdM is to provide the tools to carry out a state-of-the-art search, as well as to provide the necessary support for the exploitation of the facilities. Several research institutes and universities have actively contributed with their scientific and technical supervision and manpower to the development of the OdM project: the IEEC, the UB, the UPC, the CSIC, and the Fundació Joan Oró.

The scientific and technological activity of the IEEC members has led to the creation of several laboratories.
These facilities are located in the different Research Units that make up the Institute and focus on the development, integration, and testing of instrumentation for space science, with the aim of providing the appropriate environment for their development and validation, and simulating the working conditions in space as well as in Earth observatories.
The IEEC has contributed to the development and implementation of these facilities by providing equipment and specialised personnel. In this way, the IEEC researchers have at their disposal a set of laboratories that guarantees optimal support to participate in the development and testing phases of instrumentation for space missions and ground-based observatories.