NewSpace Lab
The Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) is a centre of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) dedicated to research in astrophysics, with several scientific research areas and an advanced engineering unit. The ICE-CSIC focuses its research on topics ranging from gravitational-wave astronomy to high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, the Earth observation, the solar system and other planets, among others. The ICE-CSIC is one of the four IEEC research units.
Payload Laboratory
Our Payload lab is the place to start the design and implement new instrumentation for ground-based and spaceborne observatories. These are often electronics in frequency bands from millihertz up to microwave frequencies. The laboratory is equipped with very stable low frequency (mHz) and microwave equipment (GHz): signal generators, spectrum analyzers and high-speed oscilloscopes.
- Laboratory space renting
- Characterisation of RF circuits
- PCB soldering
- 3D Printing
- SpaceWire
Integration Laboratory
The Integration lab is the place where our designs can be integrated with other third-party modules into major systems.
These can be characterised in mid and long-term measurements. Our highly stable temperature-controlled cabin, where temperature is kept stable within 5 mK, deserves a special mention. This singular infrastructure allows our institute to develop instrumentation for the LISA mission.
The laboratory is equipped with:
Vacuum Chamber with dimensions 350 x 300 x 350 mm and vacuum leaks of 10-6 mbar.
- Laboratory space renting
- Thermal testing
Astronomy Laboratory
This lab is devoted to the development and testing of new equipment, either hardware or software, for ground-based telescopes and related facilities. It is also designed to be used in outreach and teaching activities.
Main facilities:
- 5m Baader Planetarium AllSky dome
- Meade 10″ LX200GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
- SBIG ST-7 CCD camera
- Vaisala PTU200 thermohygrometer
- APC AP7920 Rack PDU
- Two webcams
- Optec filter wheel
Clean Room
Particle counts, temperature and humidity are monitored and registered 24/7 in our two clean rooms. Clean Room 1 is an ISO 7 category facility, a multipurpose space mainly devoted to hardware manipulation according to ECSS quality standards and long term storage of Engineering Models and Flight hardware. It is equipped with a laminar flux cabinet that ensures ISO 5 conditions within its working space. This laboratory is also equipped with a six axes metrological arm to characterise mechanical systems with a 20 micrometre precision.
- Laboratory space renting
- Metrology and optical characterisation

Microscopy Clean Room
The Microscopy lab is an ISO 8 category clean room. Its main purpose is to manipulate and study space returned samples and meteorite samples. It is equipped with a Microscope ZEISS Axio Scope A1 that is fully automated to build high-resolution mosaics of thin and thick sections of extraterrestrial materials in reflected and transmitted light mode. The laboratory is also equipped with binocular magnifiers, step-by-step heaters and weight scales. It is a key lab to characterise new meteorites recovered or found across the world.
- Microscopy

Optical Laboratory
Instrumentation for high precision characterisation of optical systems. The quality of optical assemblies and elements up to a diameter of 6” can be characterised with our Zygo interferometer and our Nikon autocollimator. To perform precision metrology measurements, we have several laser sources (Nd:YAG) and a buffered optical bench (size: 1,5 x 2,5 m). A thermally controlled vacuum tank also allows suppressing environment fluctuations in the low frequency regime, i.e. down to 1 mHz and it is routinely employed to characterise materials used in space applications (like Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastics) and opto-electronics equipment (like photodiodes or optical fibres) in a high stability environment. We are also able to calibrate and characterise CCD, and determine optical spectral responses in the 300 nm – 1.100 nm range.
- Laboratory space renting
- Metrology and optical characterisation

Radiation Laboratory
The Radiation lab is devoted to characterise radiation detectors based on a semiconductor material such as Cadmium Zinc Telluride (Cd(Zn)Te) or Silicon (Si) useful for High Energy Astrophysics experiments, although it can also be used for other research areas profiting from the available instrumentation. The available equipment allows performing spectroscopy measurements at room and low temperature in the X and Gamma-ray range (from tens of keVs to 1-2 MeV). The laboratory is a 3rd category radioactive facility authorised by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council with the number IRA-3137.
The laboratory is also equipped with heating and cooling control equipment.
Model: Julabo FP50-HL. Working temperature range: -50 … 200 °C, Temperature stability: ± 0,01 °C, Refrigerant: R404A / R507, Overall dimensions: 42 x 49 x 72 cm, Weight: 57 kg.
Model: Radiber GT-199, Capacity: 199 l, Temperature: -30 °C.