NewSpace Lab
EMC Barcelona
EMC Barcelona is a technology-based company that develops high added value projects in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). EMC Barcelona’s main activity is oriented towards offering integral solutions through the execution of service projects that include EMC tests and complex electromagnetic measurements, R&D (development and validation of experimental methods) and training activities in the EMC field. Complementarily, as part of the R&D initiatives on multi-domain interference (EMI) evaluation technologies, we are building a product-oriented business line that plans to introduce the emiGO test and measurement solutions aimed at strategic customers and sectors, such as NewSpace.
EMC testing service in an anechoic chamber
We assist in the technical execution of emission and immunity tests in radiated and conducted formats. For this purpose, the laboratories of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, EMC Barcelona’s collaborating entity and infrastructure provider, are used. In cases where the test requirements exceed the installed capacities, other laboratories may be used. Pre-evaluation capacities according to ECSS-E-ST-20-07C Rev.2.

On-site EMC assessment service
On-site EMC testing for fixed installations or large equipment, e.g. ground stations, radio telescopes, etc.
Identification and resolution of radio frequency interference problems in the field.
We apply time domain measurements fully compliant with regulatory requirements. These allow us to address the complexity of on-site EMC assessments.

Electronic redesign service for EMC
We offer technical support close to the design of electronic systems, whether it is comprehensive assistance from scratch or if a quick solution is needed to overcome non-compliances identified during testing.

Training service
We offer training services projects in different formats and modalities to support our customers in building a set of EMC skills, knowledge and competencies that will lead them to develop electromagnetically compliant products and become more efficient.

Time domain emission measuring receivers
FFT-based receivers for real-time emission measurements. We offer measurement systems (hardware and software) adapted to the specific needs of our customers and in accordance with the latest trends in the field of EMC.

Microwave network calibration and measurements of electromagnetic properties of materials
Vector network analyser (300 kHz to 26.5 GHz) with SMA calibration kit for characterisation and calibration of microwave networks and also usable for measurements of electromagnetic properties of materials.

Test bench for the generation of complex modulated signals
RF source designed to meet the requirements of automated test systems. It is available as a CW source or as a vector signal generator with an integrated I/Q modulator. It is used in conjunction with an arbitrary waveform generator.

Test bench for measuring RF signals in real time
Real-time spectrum analyser with 245 MHz real-time bandwidth up to 6 GHz. Communications signal recording and demodulation capabilities.