Prof. Alberto Lobo Gutièrrez, from the Institute of Space Sciences ICE(CSIC/IEEC), has passed away.
Prof. Lobo has been a pioneer of the field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy in Spain, devoting his life to resonant ground-based detectors and to space-based ones. His contributions range from theoretical studies to the development of instrumentation, including data analysis methods. Even in the final stages of his cancer, he has
been mainly concerned and actively planning towards maintaining and promoting the Spanish team activities and involvement into LISA PathFinder and its successor mission LISA. The Institut de Ciències de l’Espai (CSIC-IEEC) will honour such vision and dedication.
Those who had the opportunity to work with Alberto know that he has always been a very close colleague and many times a friend. His dedication to research and to those who work with him has always been complete, transmitting his passion and joy to everybody.
In case you would like to express your condolences to the family, please, send them to, where they will be collected and forwarded to the family.
The LPF /LISA Spanish Team (Lluis Gesa, Ferran Gibert, Victor Hernandez, Nikos Karnesis, Ivan Lloro, Ignacio Mateos, Miquel Nofrarias, Carlos F. Sopuerta, Ulrich Sperhake)