Job opportunities

Head of the Development and Innovation Office of the Promotion Area of the Space Sector of Catalonia

Publication date

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) was established in February 1996 as a private non-profit foundation (NPO) to promote R&D in the space field in Catalonia. The IEEC is a research institute that studies all areas of knowledge and technologies applied to the space sector and space sciences, including astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, Earth observation, navigation and space engineering. Its mission is to push the frontiers of space research from the scientific and technological fields for the maximum benefit of society. It should also be noted that the Foundation is attached to the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and forms part of its institutional public sector due to the fact that the Generalitat has a majority involvement in the entity.


The object of this call is the selection process of the person who will occupy the position of Head of Development and Innovation Office assigned to the Promotion Area of the Catalan Space Sector (APEC) of the Institute of Spatial Studies of Catalonia.

The New Space represents a new use of space, the application of new technologies with a strong digital component, and the development of new services that have led to the growth of a new economy based on the "democratization of space" , which is distinguished by greater access and commercial exploitation, and where the space industry works with more dynamic and agile innovation procedures. New Space offers opportunities for the use and exploitation of space platforms for a wide variety of applications, including scientific research, development and qualification of space technology, Earth observation and telecommunications ( such as machine-to-machine, 5G and the Internet of Things), and GNSS positioning systems.

The IEEC and the Generalitat de Catalunya promote New Space through the definition and execution of the New Space Strategy of Catalonia to strengthen the space ecosystem through the launch of nanosatellite missions, research and innovation programs and services high added value based on space technologies. The deployment of the Strategy is also done in collaboration with the i2cat Foundation and the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC).


  • Positions: 1. Head of the Development and Innovation Office of the Promotion Area of the Space Sector of Catalonia. 
  • Professional group: Group I. 
  • Professional category: Head Office
  • Working hours: 37’5 hours/week
  • Working location: The headquartersof the IEEC is currently located on the Campus North of the Universitat Politècnica deCatalunya (UPC), in Barcelona, but will soon be moved to the UPC campus in BaixLlobregat, in Castelldefels.


The Development and Innovation Office is dedicated, within the framework of the activities promoted by the IEEE inculdated to the New Space Strategy of Catalonia (, to the identification, promotion and the follow-up of R+D+i activities that have a high value of innovation in key areas of connection that allow Catalonia to be placed in a consolidated position in the long term.

The selected candidate will have the following functions and responsibilities:

  • Organization and monitoring of public tenders and industrial contracts and agreements for the implementation of R+D+i activities for the development of the space sector in Catalonia.
  • Promote the development of new competitive proposals for the development of missions and technological demonstrators in orbit.
  • Promote complementary and interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers and industry in the space sector.
  • Analyze R+D+i at the national and international levels to explore possible collaborations and promotion and develop R+D+i programs within the Catalan spatial ecosystem and international cooperation.
  • Sensitize the members of the research institutions of the Catalan ecosystem of the existing opportunities through developments, visit and explore with other research institutions, government departments and companies.
  • Project management guarantees compliance with the regulations and the terms of the project call. Ensure that reports, assessments and adjustments are completed in a timely manner and defining quality procedures.
  • Organization of project meetings, periodic meetings, workshops, etc.
    Maintain and promote quality standards for the management of technical projects.
  • Work with program managers and IEEE compression teams.

Participation requirements and selection criteria

During the selection process the following criteria will be assessed:

  • Training: Minimum bachelor's degree in Aerospace/Telecommunications/Electronics/Computer Science/Industrial Engineering, bachelor's degree in Physics or equivalent qualification.
  • Experience: Minimum experience of 3 years, in most cases 10 years, in technical project management (e.g. ESA, H2020, FP7, GSA/EUSPA, EUMETSAT, national projects), in the scientific or space sectors or in industrial sectors both equivalent quality standards.

The selection criteria will be based on the curricular merits of the candidate, their suitability for the job offered and their experience in carrying out functions equivalent to those they will have to perform.

The following aspects will be considered desirable merits:

  • Be in possession of or be pursuing Master's or Doctorate studies in programs linked to the space sector.
  • Experience in technical project management (e.g. ESA, H2020, FP7, GSA/EUSPA, EUMETSAT, national projects), in the scientific or space sectors or in industrial sectors with equivalent quality standards.
  • Experience in managing public procurement programs. Knowledge of applications based on satellite data services.
  • Knowledge of space missions and instruments. Knowledge of the entire life cycle of space technical project development and space mission operations. Knowledge of trends in space technological research and the strengths of research and industry in Catalonia and Europe.
  • Knowledge and experience in R+D+i programs. Previous experience in management and coordination. Ability to monitor and lead the execution of projects in a timely manner in compliance with contractual obligations.
  • Experience developing technology demonstrators, applications based on satellite data services, space missions and instruments.
  • Empathy and communication skills (oral and written), including the ability to communicate complex information to non-experts.
  • The ability to prioritize workload and balance conflicting tasks. Attention to detail and organized and structured approach to work. Ability to work independently with a proactive approach.
  • Management skills and the ability to manage a team and establish positive relationships with people at all levels, both inside and outside the organization.
  • Information gathering and analytical skills.
  • The ability to work fluidly as part of a team and with multiple assigned tasks on multiple projects. Oral and written English language level equivalent to First Certificate (B2), native or with full professional competence.

Contact and deadline

Interested persons who meet the established requirements can send the personal curriculum in PDF format, signed as certification, with a brief description of the tasks carried out in the positions previously occupied, to the email address: indicating the reference "Surnames and Name – OF_IEEC_118_2023" in the subject line of the email.

The reception of applications ends on

Applications that do not meet the requirements included in the cases provided for, or those which are not processed in accordance with the established procedure will not be considered.

Selection procedure

Initially, a verification of the requirements of participation and study of the curriculum will be carried out to assess aspects related to the job to be covered. Next, a first selection of candidates will be made based on the curriculum contributed.

The shortlisted candidates will be called to a personal interview and/or a test to expand the detailed information in the curriculum and assessed aspects related to professional competences.

Interested persons must have the originals of the certificates accrediting the training and work experience mentioned in the curriculum and must submit them if required.