Job opportunities

Senior Postdoc or Research Scientist to Develop modelling and correction tools of solar and stellar variability to detect exo-Earths

Publication date

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) was established in February 1996 as a non-profit foundation (NPO) to promote R&D in the space field in Catalonia. The IEEC is a research institute that studies all areas of knowledge and develops technologies applied to the space sector and space sciences, including astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, Earth observation, navigation and space engineering. Its mission is to push the frontiers of space research from the scientific and technological aspects for the maximum benefit of society. It should also be noted that the Foundation is attached to the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and belongs to its institutional public sector, since the Generalitat has a majority in the IEEC Board of Trustees.


The object of this call is the selection process of a candidate to occupy the position of Senior Postdoc or Research Scientist assigned to the Research Area of ​​the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia.


  • Position: Senior Postdoc or Research Scientist to Develop modelling and correction tools of solar and stellar variability to detect exp-Earths.
  • Professional group: Group Scientific staff
  • Professional category: Senior Postdoc or Research Scientist (the final category will depend on the qualifications of the selected candidate)
  • Work hours: 37,5 hours/week
  • Workplace: Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC), Carrer de Can Magrans, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona


This contract is part of the research carried out at the IEEC in the framework of the SPOTLESS ERC Advanced Grant aiming at the characterization of stellar variability to detect and characterize exo-Earths using instruments in ground- and space-based observatories.

The selected person will perform the following tasks:

  • Coordination of the monitoring of targets for radial velocities and transits by means of contemporary measurements of photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy.
  • Data reduction and analysis.
  • Statistical modelling of transmission spectroscopy measurements of planetary transits obtained from the ground or from space.
  • Supervision of PhD students and undergraduate and master students.
  • Preparation of scientific papers presenting research results in specialized journals, and presentation at relevant national and international conferences.

Participation requirements and selection criteria

The following criteria will be assessed during the selection process:

  • Training:

                   - Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, or equivalent.

                   - PhD in Astronomy or equivalent.

During the selection process, the following merits will be assessed:

  • Track record and experience in research activities. Special attention will be put on expertise that is relevant to the tasks to be performed.
  • Knowledge in astrophysics and data analysis.
  • Ability to communicate in English.


Contact and deadline

Interested persons who meet the established requirements can send the following documents:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Two letters of reference


All documents shall be sent in PDF format to the e-mail address: indicating the text "Surname and Name _OF_IEEC_164_2024" in the subject line of the e-mail. Letters of reference can be sent to the same e-mail address by the referees, with the name of the person to whom it refers clearly indicated in the subject line.


The reception of applications ends on

Applications that do not meet the requirements included in the cases provided for, or those which are not processed in accordance with the established procedure will not be considered.

Selection procedure

Initially, a verification of the participation requirements will be carried out and a first selection of candidates will be made based on the documentation provided. Subsequently, and if deemed necessary, preselected candidates may be invited to a personal interview to expand the information detailed in the curriculum vitae and assess aspects related to professional skills.

Interested persons shall have the originals of the certificates demonstrating the training and work experience mentioned in the CV and shall submit them if required.