Inflationary universe in F(R) gravity with antisymmetric tensor fields and their suppression during its evolution

The results here obtained reveal that the amplitude of the Kalb-Ramond field may be actually large and play a significant role during the early universe, while the presence of higher-order gravity suppresses this field during the cosmological evolution so that it eventually becomes negligible in the current universe. Besides the suppression of the Kalb-Ramond field, the extra degree of freedom in F(R) gravity, usually known as scalaron, also turns out to be responsible for inflation.
Such F(R) gravity with Kalb-Ramond fields may govern the early universe to undergo an inflationary stage at early times (with the subsequent graceful exit) for a wider range of F(R) gravity than without antisymmetric fields. Furthermore, the models—in four-and five-dimensional spacetimes—are linked to observational constraints, with the conclusion that the corresponding values of the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio closely match the values provided by the Planck survey