IEEC | Transparency


The Transparency section of the IEEC is created by virtue of the Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, as well as Decree 8/2021, of 9 February, on transparency and right of access to public information.


1. Institutional organisation and administrative structure

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia Foundation (IEEC — Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) was established in 1996 (976 number in the Foundations Register of the Generalitat de Catalunya) and has been part of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) since its inception. Its purpose is to collaborate and participate in the development, promotion, and dissemination of all kinds of activities, studies, and projects related to space technology and scientific research from space, for the benefit of all people, entities and institutions that show interest in getting to know them.

The IEEC studies all areas of knowledge and technology applied to the space sector and space sciences, including astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, Earth Observation, and space engineering. Its mission is to boost the frontiers of space research from the scientific and technological fields for the maximum benefit of society.

The specific objectives of the IEEC are:

R To promote astronomical and space research.

R To become an internationally recognised centre for attracting talent and fostering collaborations, both locally and globally.

R To be an efficient agent of knowledge, innovation, and technology transfer in its field.

R To carry out campaigns to raise society’s awareness of science through the communication of scientific culture.

By resolution of the Department of Economy and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya ECO/2405/2015, of 21 October, the IEEC was recognised as a CERCA centre of the Generalitat in accordance with Law 7/2011, fiscal and financial measures.

In accordance with Article 3 of its Statutes, the IEEC is affiliated to the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya and is related to it through the Department of Research and Universities.

The IEEC is currently an entity with majority participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which is considered a public sector foundation in accordance with Article 174.1. b) of Law 5/2017 and has been affiliated to the Generalitat, as stated in the Government agreement GOV/98/2020, of 28 July, which provides for the affiliation of public sector foundations to the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The deeds of incorporation of the entity, the deeds of amendment of the IEEC Statutes, and the internal operating regulations can be consulted below (in Catalan):

The IEEC organizational chart can be found below:

organisational chart

1.1 Governing bodies

1.1.1 Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the Institute’s highest governing body and has the composition, operation and functions described in the Statutes. It is currently made up of the following members:
Joaquim Nadal


Hble. Ms Núria Montserrat Pulido

Minister of Research and Universities

Generalitat de Catalunya

Joan Gómez Pallarès


Mr Joan Gómez Pallarès

General Director of Research

Generalitat de Catalunya

Oriol Alcoba

Mr Oriol Alcoba Malaspina

Director General of Industry

Generalitat de Catalunya

Joan Guàrdia

Mgfc. Dr Joan Guàrdia Olmos


Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Francisco Javier Lafuente

Mgfc. Dr Francisco Javier Lafuente Sancho


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Daniel Crespo

Mgfc. Dr Daniel Crespo Artiaga


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ·

BarcelonaTech (UPC)

Eloísa del Pino

Ms María Eloísa del Pino Matute


Spanish National Research

Council (CSIC)

One-person body of the board of trustees

The presidency of the Board of Trustees corresponds to the Councilor of the Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya who is in charge of research powers, Hble. Sra. Núria Montserrat Pulido.

1.1.2 Board of Directors
The IEEC is structured in four units, each linked to the research organisations that are represented on the Board of Trustees:

Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB).
Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC).
Center for Space Research Studies (CERES- UAB)
Space Science and Technology Research Group (CTE-UPC).

Each research body determines the operating regime of its unit, and will be commanded, respectively, by a research unit director.

The Board of Directors (a committee made up of the directors/deputy directors of each research units) is composed of the following members:

Ignasi Ribas

Dr Ignasi Ribas Canudas

Director of the IEEC

Diego Torres

Dr Aldo M. Serenelli

Acting Director of the ICE-CSIC

Xavier Luri

Dr Xavier Luri Carrascoso

Director of the ICCUB

Lluís Font

Dr Lluís Font Guiteras

Director of the CERES-UAB

Juan Ramos

Dr Juan Ramos Castro

Director of the CTE-UPC

1.1.3 Director of the IEEC

The Director of the IEEC is designated and dismissed by the Board of Trustees from among the members of the Research Units of the IEEC and presides over the Board of Directors. His/her functions are regulated in art. 8 of the IEEC Operating Regulations as well as any other that may be delegated by the Board of Trustees.

Ignasi Ribas

Dr Ignasi Ribas Canudas

IEEC’s Director (2017-present)

1.1.4 Management Team

The members of the management team are appointed by the Director from among the staff assigned and contracted by the IEEC. The management team must include members of all the IEEC units and one of the directors of the Montsec Observatory (OdM).

It is the role of the management team to advise the Director of the IEEC and carry out those tasks and responsibilities that the Director entrusts to them.

Josep Colomé

Josep Colomé

Director of the Area for the Promotion of the Space Sector of Catalonia


Merce Vall_llossera

Mercè Vall-llossera


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)

Pilar Montes

Pilar Montes

Head of the IEEC Management Area


Gonzalo Seco

Gonzalo Seco

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Marc Ribó

Marc Ribó


University of Barcelona (UB)

Jordi Portell

Jordi Portell

Post-doctoral Researcher
Deputy Technical Coordinator

Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB)

1.2 Advisory Body

Science Advisory Board

The Science Advisory Board is an advisory body of the Foundation. Its aim is to ensure the quality of the scientific and technological activities of the IEEC that are submitted to its consideration, and that, when entrusted to it, it is the evaluation body of these activities. This body cannot exercise management or representation functions of the Foundation.

The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of an indeterminate number of independent researchers of recognised prestige in areas of the IEEC activities. Currently is comprised by the following members:

Athena Coustenis

Athena Coustenis

Observatory of Paris-Meudon, LESIA/CNRS

Jade Morton


University of Colorado Boulder


Jürgen Schmitt

Observatory of Hamburgo-Bergedorf, University of Hamburg
Roser Pelló

Roser Pelló

Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory

Júlia Figa

Responsible for the Ocean Altimetry Program
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)

Lisa Kaltenegger


Carl Sagan Institute, Cornell


Xavier Lobao

Xavier Lobao

Head of the Future Projects Division, Department of Telecommunications
European Space Agency (ESA)

1.3 Internal organisational structure. IEEC personnel

For the development of the purposes attributed to this entity, the IEEC personnel has an administrative structure that is generally framed in the following areas of operation:

Direction, management, administration, and services personnel: personnel who work in the Direction and different areas of administration, management, and services of the IEEC: Management Area, Legal Area, and Area of Promotion of the Space Sector of Catalonia, as well as in the different offices, the Communication Office, the Knowledge Transfer (KTT) Office, and the Project Management Office, and at the Montsec Observatory.

Scientific personnel: research personnel who participate in the development of their own or external scientific or technological research projects.

Engineering personnel: personnel who, with different degrees of specialisation, carry out activities related to technological services with high added value in the space sector.

1.4 Calls and results selective processes

The IEEC promotes the development of a professional career in the field of all areas of knowledge and technologies applied to the space sector and space sciences, including astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, Earth observation and space engineering.

You can consult the personnel calls currently open, as well as the conditions, deadlines and material necessary for the submission of applications, in the following link:

The IEEC’s personnel selection processes guarantee the principles of equality, merit and ability, as well as the official European criteria for personnel recruitment.

1.5 Senior officials relationship

Not applicable. In the IEEC, there is no recruited person who is considered a high-ranking official according to Law 13/205, of 27 December, on the regime of incompatibilities of high-ranking officials in the service of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

1.6 Agreements, conventions or pacts of an official, labour and union nature

Not applicable.

1.7 Catalogue of services provided, existing service letters

Not applicable.

1.8 Agreements relating to the creation, participation and operation of public bodies, public societies and foundations, consortia and other entities linked to the Public Administration

1.9 Participation channels and participatory procedures in progress

Not applicable.

2. Decisions and actions of legal relevance

Regulations, directives and instructions approved by the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya Foundation:

3. Accounting, economic, budgetary and patrimonial information

3.1 IEEC budget

3.2 Remuneration, compensation and allowances; and the property of senior officials and management staff of public bodies

Not applicable. In the IEEC, there is no recruited person who is considered a high-ranking official according to Law 13/205, of 27 December, on the regime of incompatibilities of high-ranking officials in the service of the Generalitat de Catalunya, or high-ranking hired personnel address.

3.3 Annual accounting and audit reports

Below you could consult the annual accounts of the IEEC:
The audit reports of the IEEC can be consulted below:

3.4 Information relating to asset management

Real estate

The IEEC has no real states of its own. The spaces where the Foundation develops its activity (c/ Esteve Terradas, 1, pl.2, desp. 212, 08860 Castelldefels) are rental spaces for which the IEEC signed a lease with its owner.

4. Planning and programming

4.1 Strategic plan of the IEEC

Below you might consult the strategic plan of the IEEC, which was approved by the Board of Trustees of the IEEC in the session of July 8, 2020:

4.2 Annual Report

The annual report provides an overview of the activities and developments that have taken place in the IEEC community over the course of the corresponding year.

5. Public procurement

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) for the purposes of Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts, which transposes into Spanish law the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU of 26 February 2014 (hereinafter, LCSP), is part of the public sector and is considered a contracting authority not a public administration, and therefore the aforementioned public procurement regulations apply to it.

The IEEC’s contractor profile is hosted on the contracting platform of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which publicises the tenders processed by this entity, their award, formalisation, and all relevant information relating to the contracts that are held.

The IEEC’s contractor profile can be consulted at the following link:

One can also consult the data relating to the entity’s recruitment registered in the public register of contracts of the Generalitat de Catalunya at the following link:

6. Partnership agreements

The list of agreements signed between the IEEC and other organisations/institutions which are currently in force can be consulted below.

(11) Scholastic collaboration agreement between the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia.

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(10) Framework of collaboration agreement between the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia Foundation and the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Barcelona.

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(9) Cooperation agreement between Aeroports Públics de Catalunya and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia for the development of aerospace activity at the Lleida-Alguaire Airport: specific for the build up of a rocket propulsion – Launcher test center (Phase 1).

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(8) Adhesion of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia Foundation to the Framework Agreement for the approval of suppliers for the workplace equipment’s supply.

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(7) Agreement for actions in scientific-technological infrastructures of the CERCA system and for the development of a platform to access them.

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(6) Adhesion of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia Foundation to the Framework Agreement for approval of equipment suppliers with iOs or MacOs operating system, ultralight, touch, convertible, tablet, gaming laptops, mini PCs, desktop NAS, external hard drives and associated services.

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(5) Collaboration agreement between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia Foundation (IEEC) to regulate its link to the UPC as a linked research entity of the UPC.

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(4) Collaboration agreement between the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) and isardSAT S.L. for the installation and operation of equipment at the Montsec Observatory.

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(3) Agreement of intent signed between Aeroports Públics de Catalunya and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) for the development of aerospace activity at Lleida-Alguaire Airport.

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(2) Collaboration agreement between the Fundació Institució Catalana de la Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC).

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(1) Agreement about collaboration on calibration and environmental monitoring for preparing the implementation of the Chereknov Telescope Arry Observatory.

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7. Subsidy activity

The entity’s subsidising activity can be consulted below:

‘NewSpace Catalonia’ scholarships to attend the International Space University’s SSP 2025 summer programme


The International Space University (ISU) organises the Space Studies Program (SSP), which offers an 8-week development experience during the summer months for the final stages of higher education students.

In the framework of the Talent and Society programme’s goals, the Government of Catalonia and the IEEC offer 3 scholarships (‘NewSpace Catalonia Scholarships’), additional to those offered by the ISU itself and the European Space Agency (ESA), to attend the SSP.

The amount for the NewSpace Catalonia Scholarships is 7,000 euros each. The NewSpace Catalonia Scholarships are set at a flat rate in order to partially offset the costs associated with participation in the programme. Candidates will have to cover approximately 3,000 euros, travel expenses to the SSP headquarters and medical insurance. Hosting and meals during the whole programme are included in the tuition fee.

Awards for the Best Master’s Thesis (2023/24) and Best PhD Thesis (2022/23 and 2023/24)


The IEEC opens a call for applications for the following awards: Best Master’s Thesis (TFM) defended during the academic year 2023/24 (from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024) and Best Doctoral Thesis (PhD) defended during the academic years 2022/23 or 2023/24 (from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2024). The works must be related to any of the topics specific to the Institute’s research lines: astrophysics, cosmology, Earth observation, navigation and space technology.

To take part in this call, the works should have been defended within the master’s and doctorate programmes, respectively, of any of the universities that are part of the IEEC Board of Trustees (UB, UAB and UPC).

In the case of the TFM, the essential requirement is that at least one of the people directing the work must be a member of the IEEC at the time of defending the work, and the IEEC logo must be included in the document. In the case of the PhD Thesis, the essential requirement is that the author of the work must be a member of the IEEC at the time of the defense of the work, and the IEEC logo must be included in the document.

Call for grants for internships in companies and research centres in NewSpace projects (2024)


The IEEC and the Government of Catalonia have opened a call for grants to companies, start-ups and research centres in Catalonia for the selection of students on internships in the NewSpace field. This call is part of the actions of the Talent and Society programme of the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia, which promotes activities aimed to attract, generate and retain talent with the ability to develop solutions in the NewSpace field.

One of the objectives of the programme is to promote internships in companies, start-ups and research centres in the NewSpace field, as a key element for the connection between universities and companies. Furthermore, the aim is to favour small companies and research centres in Catalonia that have difficulties hiring interns with their resources.

Award for the best Master’s Thesis (TFM) (2022/2023)


The IEEC announces the ‘Award for the best Master’s Thesis (TFM)’ for works whose themes are aligned with its lines of research: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Earth Observation, Navigation, and Space Technology.

Works defended during the academic year 2022-23 (from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023) at any of the academic institutions that form the IEEC are eligible for this call. It is a prerequisite that at least one of the directors of the work is a member of the IEEC at the time of the defence of the work, and the IEEC logo must be included in the report.

Funding of student internships in companies and research centres in NewSpace projects (2023)


The IEEC and the Generalitat de Catalunya call for 8 grants to companies (SMEs), start-ups and research centres in Catalonia for the recruitment of trainees in the NewSpace field. This call is part of the actions of the Talent and Society programme of the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia, which promotes activities aimed to attract, generate and retain talent with the ability to develop solutions in the NewSpace field.

The aim of this grant is to promote the region’s space ecosystem and to enable small companies, start-ups and research centres to fund internships for university students in this field. The amount of the Pràctiques NewSpace grant will be of a maximum of 2,000 € each.

Awards for the best Master’s Thesis (2021/22) and best Doctoral Thesis (2020/21 and 2021/22)


The IEEC announces the ‘Award for the best Master’s Thesis (TFM)’ and ‘Award for the best Doctoral Thesis (TD)’ for works whose themes are aligned with its lines of research: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Earth Observation, Navigation, and Space Technology.

Any TFM that has been defended during the academic year 2021/22 and any TD that has been defended during the academic years 2020/21 or 2021/22 in any of the academic institutions that form the IEEC are eligible for this call. The author and/or the director of the work must be a member of the IEEC.

8. Codes of conduct and good practices

Code of Conduct CERCA centres

The IEEC is adhered to the Code of Conduct of the CERCA centres, which defines the principles of action that must guarantee the commitment to good practices in the scientific and management fields of the CERCA centres.

Plan for equality

The IEEC is committed towards creating a working environment in which diversity, equality and inclusion are valued and promoted. IEEC’s Equality Plan serves as a tool to achieve real equality, incorporating equal opportunities in all areas of the Institute.

Anti-harassment plan

The IEEC is committed to respecting the rights of individuals and to establishing optimal working conditions, and ensures equal opportunities for women and men and non-discrimination of any kind in any area of the organisation.

9. Internal alert system

Internal Alert System for Regulatory Infringements and Conducts Against Public Integrity of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia

In accordance with Law 2/2023, of 20 February, which regulates the protection of individuals who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption, the IEEC makes available to the public an Internal Alert System (IAS).

10. Other calls

Call for the selection of a technology demonstrator payload (IOD) to be embarked on the low Earth orbiting satellite mission GENEO-02


This call for IOD selection will bring companies, organisations or research centres based in Catalonia the opportunity to present one of its innovative technologies in order to be integrated into the platform of this new satellite, with the aim of validating it in orbit, accelerating its introduction into the market or demonstrating its additional capabilities.