IEEC joins the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The aim of this celebration is to promote the full and equal participation of women and girls in education, training, employment and decision-making processes in science, and to eliminate all discrimination against women in the fields of education and employment, breaking down legal, economic, social and cultural barriers through policies and curricula in the field of science to encourage greater participation of women and girls and recognize their achievements.
In 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 11 February of each year as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It was first held on 11 February 2016.
IEEC women researchers are taking part in the #100tífiques event, an initiative to promote female roles and models in the fields of science and engineering and to foster the scientific vocations of boys and, especially, girls. The event, which this year celebrates its third edition, is organized by Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI) together with Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and has the collaboration of the Education Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya. They are: Anna Ferré-Mateu and Mercè Romero, from the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of University of Barcelona (ICCUB); and Helena Domínguez, Vanessa Graber, Cristina Manuel Hidalgo, Nanda Rea and Laura Tolós Rigueiro, from the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC).
The #100tífiques project was born with the ambition that a hundred women scientists, both from the public and private sectors, present talks in schools all over Catalonia on 11 February. This year, the number of participants —master's students, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and group leaders, scientific staff and directors— stands at 423 researchers and 483 participating schools. Due to the current health situation, this year the visits will be made through online platforms, allowing reaching a higher number of schools located throughout the territory.
On the other hand, some of our women researchers have also wanted to have their say on this important date. Don't miss their statements on our Twitter account @IEEC_space.
With their small contribution, initiatives like these aspire to give visibility to women in science while identifying good practices that lead to gender equality in the sector.
Thank you all for your contribution and commitment!