Héctor Gil-Marín receives the BBVA Foundation Young Theoretical Physics Researcher Award
The jury highlighted Dr. Gil-Marín’s outstanding contributions to the analysis and interpretation of galaxy mapping, advancing our understanding of the accelerated Universe, and being one of the most brilliant researchers in the field of cosmology of his generation.
Dr. Gil-Marín was a member of the BOSS and eBOSS international collaborations and is a current researcher of DESI, where he plays a leading role in the survey mapping. He actively participated in the analysis of BOSS and eBOSS data, which resulted in the recently published largest three-dimensional map of the distribution of galaxies. His research focuses on the large-scale structure of the Universe, and he intends to answer one of the most fundamental questions in cosmology for the past 20 years, what drives the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe. From 2018, he holds a Junior Leader 'La Caixa' fellowship at the ICCUB.