Cosmic Silence under the Pyrenees

Aula Magna, Facultat de Física (ICCUB building, UB Campus)
Cosmic Silence under the Pyrenees
The Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC) is one of the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS), a 1600 square meters laboratory under 800 meters of rock, which hosts experiments and technologies which require a reduced cosmic muon flux and the induced activation produced by cosmic radiation.

The LSC is open to new proposals and provides support on ultra-low radioactivity measurements, radioactive screening and general laboratory services. Among the LSC current experiments and activities, I will present the science explored in the LSC and highlight the activities in physics (with current results on double beta decay and dark matter searches), in chemistry (development of copper electroformation and single-molecule fluorescence imaging techniques) and in biology (life in cosmic silence and extremophiles).

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