Colloquium-talk about Gaia-eDR3 data

At 12:00am next December 3, 2020, the third delivery of data from the Gaia mission will be made public, without a doubt another valuable milestone expected by the astronomical community and, very particularly, by our REG community.
The DPAC Spain team, among which are members of the ICCUB (IEEC-UB), want to share, through this colloquium-talk, the lessons learned during the phases of data processing and obtaining the first scientific results published in the "demonstration papers". We propose a dynamic session, with questions/answers through the chat, to talk about the available tools, give you some recipes for the use of the data, share our first experiences and explain to you the science we have started to glimpse. In short, a discussion on the ins and outs of this new archive that we hope to enjoy and learn from, complemented by the events that will be held throughout the day.
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