Astrobiology from Earth to Mars and Beyond!

Astrobiology from Earth to Mars and Beyond!

Astrobiology from Earth to Mars and Beyond! Astrobiology begins right here on Earth studying the extreme environments that our planet offers. Then, such understanding must be translated to predicting where we may find life elsewhere in our Solar System and even beyond...
ICCUB SEMINAR – Gaia as gravitational wave detector

ICCUB SEMINAR – Gaia as gravitational wave detector

ICCUB SEMINAR – Gaia as gravitational wave detector ESA's second space astrometry mission Gaia started its scientific operations in July 2014. During its routine science operation Gaia is delivering an immense dataset of high-accuracy positional observations...
ICCUB COLLOQUIA – Quantum Tests of Gravity

ICCUB COLLOQUIA – Quantum Tests of Gravity

ICCUB COLLOQUIA – Quantum Tests of Gravity It is well known that quantum systems can serve as extremely sensitive probes of gravity. A series of pioneering experiments, including with neutrons, atom interferometers and atomic clocks, have established a firm basis of...


GAIA: Cietífics [NOT TRANSLATED] Capítol: "Científics". Catalunya té un dels ecosistemes d'innovació i recerca en ciències de la vida més actius del sud d'Europa. En aquest reportatge es fixen en les...