The equation of state and deconfinement in QCD

The equation of state and deconfinement in QCD

The equation of state and deconfinement in QCD The low-energy phase of the theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), features a remarkable property of confinement – the spectrum contains composite, color-neutral states, while states with...
ALBA light at the service of society

ALBA light at the service of society

ALBA light at the service of society ALBA is an instrument that provides solutions to challenges our society is facing. Synchrotron light is fundamental in the analysis of the matter at the molecular and atomic level. The development of particle accelerators and...
Multibaryon physics directly from quarks and gluons

Multibaryon physics directly from quarks and gluons

Multibaryon physics directly from quarks and gluons The idea of studying nuclear physics directly from the degrees of freedom of the Standard Model, quarks and gluons, has been long sought in the physics community. During the last few decades, the numerical method...
Red giants, chemical clocks of the Milky Way

Red giants, chemical clocks of the Milky Way

Red giants, chemical clocks of the Milky Way A broad effort is ongoing with large spectroscopic surveys such as APOGEE, Gaia-ESO, GALAH, LAMOST from which stellar parameters, radial velocities and detailed chemical abundances can be measured for CoRoT, Kepler, and K2...