PBHs-as-CDM scenario and Gravitational Waves

PBHs-as-CDM scenario and Gravitational Waves

PBHs-as-CDM scenario and Gravitational Waves We argue that primordial black holes (PBHs) with the mass of an asteroid can be CDM of the Universe. In this scenario, the associated curvature perturbations will produce secondary gravitational waves with a unique spectral...
SPLASHDOWN Festival 2019 comes to Barcelona

SPLASHDOWN Festival 2019 comes to Barcelona

SPLASHDOWN Festival 2019 comes to Barcelona IEEC is proud to announce it collaborates in the organisation of the IV edition of the SPLASHDOWN Festival, taking place on 5, 6 and 7 July 2019. For the first time ever, the festival of the cosmos and space exploration...
Black hole microstate cosmology

Black hole microstate cosmology

Black hole microstate cosmology We consider states of holographic CFTs defined by modifying the standard disk path integral that gives the vacuum state with the insertion of a boundary. We argue that these states correspond to black hole microstates with a geometrical...