The first image of a black hole

The first image of a black hole

The first image of a black hole I will briefly discuss how the first image of a black hole was obtained by the EHT collaboration. In particular, I will describe the theoretical aspects that have allowed us to model the dynamics of the plasma accreting onto the black...
Spin of primordial black holes

Spin of primordial black holes

Spin of primordial black holes We discuss the spin of primordial black holes (PBH) formed during radiation domination under the assumption of Gaussian statistics. They are formed by the collapse of rare fluctuations. We argue that their angular momentum is quadratic...
Higher spin motivated theories (of gravity)

Higher spin motivated theories (of gravity)

Higher spin motivated theories (of gravity) Despite the continuing efforts, we cannot be truly satisfied with our understanding of the physics in the UV (short distance) limit. The manifestation is that there is no broadly accepted model of quantum gravity. For this...
Studying the Expansion of the Universe with quasar spectra

Studying the Expansion of the Universe with quasar spectra

Studying the Expansion of the Universe with quasar spectra From 2009 to 2014, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) used the SDSS telescope to obtain spectra of 1.5 million galaxies to get very accurate measurements of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations...
Variable Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources V (VGGRS V)

Variable Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources V (VGGRS V)

Variable Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources V (VGGRS V) This fifth edition of the VGGRS workshop will be focused on the study of gamma-ray binaries as well as on the potential of CTA in advancing our understanding of these systems. We intend to gather people actively working...