Inferring the dynamical growth of structures at high-redshift

Inferring the dynamical growth of structures at high-redshift

Inferring the dynamical growth of structures at high-redshift While the standard model of cosmology fits most cosmological observations to extraordinary accuracy, some tensions between the model and observations seem to persist despite the increasing quality of data....
Weak lensing with uncertain redshifts

Weak lensing with uncertain redshifts

Weak lensing with uncertain redshifts The cosmological conclusions of weak lensing surveys are very sensitive to the assumed redshift distributions of sources placed in different tomographic bins. In reality, these distributions are not known quantities, so from a...
The (endless) quest for obscured AGN

The (endless) quest for obscured AGN

The (endless) quest for obscured AGN In the last twenty years, X-ray surveys have revealed that a significant fraction of accretion through cosmic time is obscured. In this talk I will highlight some recent results obtained by combining the strength of deep X-ray...
Stellar Population of galaxies and their evolution

Stellar Population of galaxies and their evolution

Stellar Population of galaxies and their evolution In this talk, I will present my research trajectory to the ICE. I will review some of the main observed galaxy properties and relations and how they change across cosmic time. I will summarise some of my contributions...