VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum

VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum

VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum The focus of this workshop will be on different aspects of modern theoretical cosmology, the challenges of the theory being consistent with experimental data, and the unavoidable connection of cosmological models with the...
Magneto-luminescence: from neutron stars to planets

Magneto-luminescence: from neutron stars to planets

Magneto-luminescence: from neutron stars to planets Magnetic fields play an important but often little understood role in many astrophysical scenarios. In astrophysical bodies, magnetism often drives their observable behaviour, making them outshine the rest of the...
New lanterns to illuminate (ultra) light dark matter

New lanterns to illuminate (ultra) light dark matter

New lanterns to illuminate (ultra) light dark matter The landscape of dark matter models extends to masses well below those accessible by traditional detectors, based on nuclear recoil. In particular axions and axion-like particles are in this category. A new battery...
Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators

Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators

Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators Cosmic Rays constitute, after the matter, radiation and magnetic fields, the 4th substance of the visible Universe. The Cosmic Ray factories, the sites where relativistic electrons, protons and nuclei are...