1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop

1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop

1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop Polarimetric Radio Occultation is a new atmospheric sounding technique that has been validated with data from the Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) instrument aboard the PAZ low Earth orbiting...
A new approach for modelling pulsar wind nebulae

A new approach for modelling pulsar wind nebulae

A new approach for modelling pulsar wind nebulae Update 13.03.2020 – ALL CSIC SEMINARS ARE CANCELLED UNTILL FURTHER NOTICE In this talk I will introduce a new approach for theoretical modelling of pulsar wind nebulae: a hybrid hydrodynamic-radiative model...
The cosmic origin of the rapid neutron capture elements

The cosmic origin of the rapid neutron capture elements

The cosmic origin of the rapid neutron capture elements The processes that create the elements that make up the periodic table were laid down theoretically in the late 1950s, but the cosmic forges that actually carry out these processes have been more difficult to...