1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop

1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop

1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop Polarimetric Radio Occultation is a new atmospheric sounding technique that has been validated with data from the Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) instrument aboard the PAZ low Earth orbiting...
VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum

VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum

VI Workshop Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum The focus of this workshop will be on different aspects of modern theoretical cosmology, the challenges of the theory being consistent with experimental data, and the unavoidable connection of cosmological models with the...
Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators

Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators

Nature’ s extreme particle accelerators Cosmic Rays constitute, after the matter, radiation and magnetic fields, the 4th substance of the visible Universe. The Cosmic Ray factories, the sites where relativistic electrons, protons and nuclei are...
ICCUB Winter Meeting

ICCUB Winter Meeting

ICCUB Winter Meeting We continue with a new edition of the series of the ICCUB Winter Meeting, taking place this time on 3-4 February 2020. The idea of this meeting is to gather as many people as possible, and give the opportunity to young researchers working in the...
Science and development of eXTP in Spain

Science and development of eXTP in Spain

Science and development of eXTP in Spain The eXTP X-ray satellite (enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry Mission) is a Sino-European scientific space mission proposal designed to study the state of matter in extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. The...