Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2015

Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2015

Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2015 It is a pleasure to announce that the 5th Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting (IGWM015) will take place in Barcelona jointly organized by the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE,CSIC-IEEC), the Technical University of Catalonia...
LLum: Ona o Partícula? [NOT TRANSLATED]

LLum: Ona o Partícula? [NOT TRANSLATED]

LLum: Ona o Partícula? [NOT TRANSLATED] La Física: Una Aventura Apassionant. Una part de les nostres vides està lligada amb la tecnologia derivada dels principis de la física. No serà hora, doncs, de conèixer aquests principis?...
ICCUB Christmas Meeting

ICCUB Christmas Meeting

ICCUB Christmas Meeting This year we organize the first edition of the ICCUB Christmas Meeting, which will cover the most recent news in Astrophysics, Cosmology, String Theory, Nuclear and Particle Physics. In the meeting, ICCUB members from different specialties meet...
“The Milky Way Unraveled by Gaia”, GREAT meeting

“The Milky Way Unraveled by Gaia”, GREAT meeting

“The Milky Way Unraveled by Gaia”, GREAT meeting This meeting will provide the opportunity to discuss research activities carried out in advance of Gaia's operations, and allow for a look ahead to the exciting range of science that will be enabled with access to...