Capture the Moon contest winners

Fran Masip won the first prize, a refracting telescope 90/900 EQ2 SkyWatcher, with a wonderful photo sequence of the lunar eclipse, as seen on the night sky above Barcelona.
A view of the Moon from Zaragoza brought Anabel Pérez the second prize, a binocular starter kit ORION 10×50.
We would like to congratulate both the winners, but also all those who took the time to look at the Moon and take a photo for the competition. We hope it inspired you to keep looking at the sky.
The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) launched the „Capture the Moon” social media campaign with the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the first humans set foot on the Moon. Users were invited to share pictures of the moon snapped with a phone or camera on their Facebook or Twitter account and tag us with @IEECspace on Facebook, respectively @IEEC_space on Twitter.