Call for proposals for the funding of student internships in companies and research centres in NewSpace projects

Jul 27, 2023

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC — Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) and the Government of Catalonia have opened a call for 8 grants to companies (SMEs), start-ups and research centres in Catalonia for the recruitment of a student intern in the field of NewSpace.

This call is framed within the actions of the Talent and Society programme of the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia, which promotes activities aimed at attracting, generating and retaining talent with skills to develop solutions in the NewSpace field.

The purpose of this funding is to promote the space ecosystem of the territory and that small companies, start-ups and research centres can finance internships for university students in this field.

The amount of the NewSpace Internship grant will be a maximum of 2,000 euros each. This amount partially finances the aid paid to the student during the 2023-2024 academic year.

SMEs, start-ups and research centres that meet the requirements established in the third clause of the call for proposals are eligible for these grants.

The deadline for submitting applications is 20 September.

You can consult all the details of the call here.

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