The agreements between the IEEC (a private institution) and the scientific institutions participating in the creation and governance of the institute (all of them public) make it possible for personnel and funds to be exchanged. To separate properly private and public affairs, each one of these institutions created a scientific unit according their own bylaws so that scientists could simultaneously act as a member of their institutions and as members of the IEEC.
These units are:
– Astrofísica i Ciències de l’Espai [ACE (ICCUB)]. This is a university institute created by the UB devoted to the study of high energy physics, gravitation, cosmology and astrophysics. The space sciences section is the only one affiliated to the IEEC.
– Centre d’Estudis i Recerca Espacials [CERES (UAB)]. This is an ‘institute without walls’ created by the UAB, which brings together physicists and engineers involved in space research.
– Grup de Recerca en Ciències i Tecnologies de l’Espai (formerly devoted to aeronautics and space – [CRAE-CTE (UPC)]). This is an ‘institute without walls’ created by the UPC, which brings together astronomers, physicists and engineers devoted to space research.
– Institut de Ciències de l’Espai [ICE (CSIC)]. This institute is devoted to Astrophysics (High Energy Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics and Stellar Physics), Cosmology, Planetary Systems and Earth Sciences. It articulates the support provided by CSIC to IEEC.
Candidate profile and contact information
IEEC is seeking applicants with a distinguished record of excellence in space sciences and space mission applications and the innovative thinking necessary to lead a dynamic organisation. Applicants must have a PhD or comparable degree and must have high international visibility in the IEEC’s field(s) of activity. Knowledge of the Spanish scientific environment will be considered an asset.
According to the IEEC bylaws, candidates must be researchers in one of the abovementioned units.
Applicants should send a CV and cover letter by e-mail to the CERCA Institute Director at appointment will be for a period of 4 years, which could be extended for a longer period.
Job description for the position of Director
The Director will have the following duties:
– Provide a scientific outlook and set strategic goals for the IEEC.
– Submit the institute’s research activities programme and annual operating budget to the Board of Trustees.
– Represent the institute at official and social events, in coordination with the President and other members of the Board of Trustees.
– Keep the CERCA Institute regularly informed on the institute’s progress.
– Any other functions approved by the Board of Trustees.
The Director will be responsible for:
– Devising a strategic plan and ensuring its implementation.
– Presenting the director’s reports at the Board of Trustees’ meetings.
– Proposing the names of members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to the Board of Trustees, keeping them informed about major changes, and organising their regular meetings.
– Participating in the periodic CERCA Institute assessment of the IEEC.
– Coordinating periodic scientific assessments of the IEEC’s research programmes and core facilities, and implementing SAB recommendations.
– Supervising the implementation of the financial aspects of the budget.
– Negotiating contracts for new senior personnel, whenever appropriate.
– Adopting strategic decisions on the institute’s research aims, in consensus with the abovementioned 4 units, in line with the IEEC.
Selection of candidates
Suitable candidates will be selected by three members of the SAB, drawing upon the input of any other expert that the SAB might need to consult, and listed by priority.
The Board of Trustees will be responsible for the final steps of the selection process. It may create an ad hoc commission comprising some of its own members or external members, if required, in order to create a short list of selected candidates. Candidates included in the short list may be invited to meet the ad hoc commission for a final interview. The result of these interviews will be presented to all members of the Board of Trustees, who will make the final appointment.
Scheduled calendar
15 December: Call for applications opens
9 February: Application deadline
1 March: Prioritized list of candidates from the SAB
30 April: Short list of candidates
15 May: Appointment announced