ALBA light at the service of society

We respond to health issues, to development of new drugs and new materials, to techniques for production and storage of energy, to environmental challenges, to the optimization of the food chain from seeding to packaging, to advances in communication, and also to the understanding and conservation of our cultural heritage.
Thanks to its great technical complexity as the major Spanish research infrastructure, ALBA is furthermore an essential instrument in the science industry for its capacity of technological transfer and innovation. And we are committed to the dissemination of science and technology in society also through specific programs dedicated to students in the different stages of their academic life.
Since the beginning of its operation in 2012, ALBA has hosted in its experimental beamlines more than 8,000 researchers, a third of whom from outside Spain, including industrial users. A program of adding new beamlines is on-going, which will open further opportunities for enhancing our service to society.