A new edition of the NewSpace Economy Congress is coming!







The most relevant Catalan event dedicated to NewSpace will once again bring together the main players in the sector in Barcelona. The NewSpace Economy Congress 2024 will be held between 1 and 2 October at the Llotja de Mar (Pg. d’Isabel II, 1, Pis 2, 08003, Barcelona).

The program will consist, among others, of high-quality national and international conferences, aiming to explore the latest trends, the most advanced technologies and new business and investment opportunities in the sector.

Two days that will turn Barcelona into the centre of the new space economy, and that will serve to learn and understand the business opportunities that this sector provides in areas as diverse as sustainable mobility, the environment, sustainable agriculture, civil protection, disaster prevention, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence or investments in startups.

The event will feature the participation of prominent international and national speakers.

The NewSpace Congress 2024 is organised by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Government of Catalonia and has the collaboration of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC — Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya), the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC), the i2CAT Foundation and the KIMbcn Foundation as associate organisers.

Organised by:

  • Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
  • Government of Catalonia

Associate organisers:

IEEC, ICGC, i2CAT and KIMbcn.


This 2024 edition aims to consolidate Barcelona as an international hub for the space sector. The internationalization of the congress will make it easier to bring contacts, visibility and business to the Catalan NewSpace ecosystem. Special visibility will be given to the opportunities of space for the industry as a whole, and to the role of regions such as Catalonia.

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