A microscopic black hole window on large extra dimensions and dark matter

Hoop conjecture suggests that microscopic black holes can be produced in collisions of high energy particles if the fundamental gravity scale is lowered to the electroweak scale in extra dimension models. This opens up the possibility of studying extra dimensions in colliders and neutrino telescopes.
In this talk, I will introduce the unique signatures associated with black holes from cosmic neutrino-nucleon scattering in the neutrino detector IceCube-Gen2. These signatures include new topologies, distinct energy distributions and unusual ratios of hadronic-to-electronic energy deposition. I will also discuss the study of the dark sector in future colliders through the investigation of the production and decay of microscopic black holes and the implications of these black holes for the early universe.
The seminar will take place on Thursday 15 October at 14:00 (CEST), at this link.
Contact person: jsalvado@icc.ub.edu