Black hole microstate cosmology

Aula 507 (Pere Pascual, ICCUB building, UB Campus)
Black hole microstate cosmology
We consider states of holographic CFTs defined by modifying the standard disk path integral that gives the vacuum state with the insertion of a boundary. We argue that these states correspond to black hole microstates with a geometrical behind-the-horizon region, modelled by a portion of a second asymptotic region terminating at an end-of-the-world (ETW) brane.

We study the time-dependent physics of this behind-the-horizon region, whose ETW boundary geometry takes the form of a closed FRW spacetime. We show that in many cases, this behind-the-horizon physics can be probed directly by looking at the time dependence of entanglement entropy for sufficiently large spatial CFT subsystems. A fascinating possibility is that for certain states, we might have gravity localized to the ETW brane as in the Randall-Sundrum II scenario for cosmology.

In this case, the effective description of physics beyond the horizon could be a big bang/big crunch cosmology of the same dimensionality as the CFT. In this case, the d-dimensional CFT describing the black hole microstate would give a precise, microscopic description of the d-dimensional cosmological physics.

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