Successful celebration of IEEC Forum 2020

2020-02-07 00:00:00
Successful celebration of IEEC Forum 2020
Yesterday, 6 February 2020, IEEC celebrated its annual forum, coinciding with the 24th anniversary of its foundation. The event took place at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) and gathered about 120 attendees, including members of the institute, Catalan government officials and representatives from industry related to the space sector. 

We enjoyed an exciting program, starting with some institutional talks (IEEC structure and 2019 report, Montsec Observatory, communication, knowledge and technology transfer), and followed by a collection of invited oral contributions illustrating the breadth of activities within IEEC and the excellence and capacities of the research groups. We also invited José Luís Gómez, from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA), who gave, at the end of the morning session, an outstanding first-hand account of one of the biggest discoveries in astronomy (and all of science!) during 2019, namely the announcement of the first image of a black hole shadow by the Event Horizon Telescope. 

In the afternoon, we enjoyed a lively round table discussion on the synergies and challenges in the relationship between industry and academia in the framework of space missions. The forum concluded with a celebration of the 24th anniversary of IEEC highlighted by a spectacular and yummy 3-layer blue cake, with space-related motifs and topped by anniversary candles.
The next edition of the Forum will take place probably on the 4 February of 2021 (TBC) also at CCCB, and this will mark the 25th anniversary date. It will be a big event, celebrating a quarter of a century for the institute, so be prepared for some surprises and exciting activities! For now, just save the date in your agenda and we will confirm it soon.
You will find all pictures of the IEEC Forum 2020 here.

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