C. Jordi: “Gaia, una revolución para la astronomía profesional y amateur” [NOT TRANSLATED]
Centre de Vacances Haizabia (Hendaye)
X edition of the Encuentros Transfronterizos de Astrónomos Aficionados – RTAA 2018 de la Société d'Astronomie Populaire de la Côte Basque (SAPCB)
By: Carme Jordi Nebot – (ICCUB (IEEC-UB))
Organise: Société d'Astronomie Populaire de la Côte Basque – SAPCB
Carme Jordi, Gaia researcher at ICCUB, will talk about Gaia results at the X edition of the Encuentros Transfronterizos de Astrónomos Aficionados (RTAA) : «Arte y Ciencia: punto de encuentro y creatividad».
The encounters RTAA organise activities to share astronomy among people interested in astronomy from both sides of the Pyrenees, also including this year a British asociation.
The RTAA basis are the cooperation "Pro-Am" (Professionals-amateurs), and the opening up to all kind of audiences, young and adults, as well as the interaction among different cultures, disciplines and languages. [NOT TRANSLATED]