A conference on the evolution and future of cosmology opens the new ICCUB Colloquia cycle [NOT TRANSLATED]

The Institute of Cosmos Sciences (IEEC-UB) is launching a new edition of the ICCUB Colloquia with the lecture by Licia Verde, ICREA researcher at the ICCUB, on the development that cosmology has undergone in recent years and the challenges and Opportunities that open up for the future.
During the last twenty years, cosmology has experienced spectacular progress. Several independent observations have allowed us to arrive at a model of the Big Bang that, complemented with an initial period of inflation, describes the evolution of our Universe during the last 13,772 million years from few parameters. Undoubtedly, we can say that cosmology has entered a new era of precision.
Licia Verde (Venice, 1971), an ICREA researcher at the ICCUB (IEEC-UB), is one of the most cited authors according to the Highly Cited Researchers list <http://highlycited.com/>, produced in 2015 by Thomson Reuters. She has worked at Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania and has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, Imperial College London or CERN, among others. Among other awards, she has awarded the Gruber Cosmology Award 2012 and an ERC starting grant (2009).
From the beginning of his career, he has contributed to the development of today’s cosmology in a very relevant way through participation in some of the most important space mapping projects, including the NASA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP, 2001 -2012) and the newly completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS, 2000-2016) project. WMAP measured the temperature of the microwave background of the whole sky with an unprecedented precision, which allowed defining the current standard model of cosmology. BOSS has determined the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies and quasars, measuring distances on a cosmological scale that cover half the history of the Universe since the Big Bang, and has established the relationship between these distances and the expansion of the Universe.
About the ICCUB Colloquia cycle
The ICCUB Colloquia cycle is a series of lectures by internationally renowned scientists on outstanding topics in the fields of cosmology, astrophysics, and particle physics and nuclear. Throughout the course 2016-2017, several conferences are planned, with speakers including Lisa Randall of Harvard University, Romain Quidant of ICFO or Guillem Anglada of Queen Mary University in London. They will be on a Thursday of each month at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, ICCUB headquarters, and will be addressed to students and researchers in physics and nearby disciplines. Attendees will also have the opportunity to talk with the speaker.
DAY 10 de noviembre de 2016
WHEN: 12 h
WHERE: Aula Magna Enric Casassas
Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelonal, Diagonal, 647
WEB: http://icc.ub.edu/ [NOT TRANSLATED]